NEW! see how to adjust this pattern for a long leg romper on our page.
Baby Girl's Romper Pattern --- quick and super easy to make.
This would have to be the quickest and easiest romper you will ever make. A great little everyday outfit for babies and toddlers from 3 months to 4 years old. Soft and comfortable for your little one to wear all day. You can make it with or without the crotch fasteners. This style is definitely one to make if you are a beginner the pattern is so simple and the sewing is easy. Follow the sewing tutorial closely to learn step by step how to make it. You can make a fabric shoulder tie or use ribbon as one long tie, tied into a bow at the front or 2 ties tied up on the shoulders.The romper is full and easy fitting, plenty of room for a diaper.
SIZES: 000, 00, 0 ,1, 2, 3, 4 to fit babies and toddlers 3 months to 4 years. INTERNATIONAL SIZING size relates to age e.g. 2 = 2 year old child. A size chart in inches and centimeters is included.
EXPERIENCE: Beginner; requires plain sewing skills only. Follow the photo sewing tutorial for best results. No serger / overlocker required; you can use the zigzag on your machine to seal the seam allowances.
FABRIC: Most suitable are soft, lightweight cotton fabrics e.g. poplin, lawn, homespun and similar fabrics. As well as fabric you will need narrow elastic and bias binding.